October 07, 2012

No lazy sunday

Today I showed my -eagerness- haha

I visited a company working in nanoelectronics and nanobiotechnology.
I may be still an undergrad, but I think you can never start too young with networking.

I already got some information to do a PhD or an internship there, pretty great huh?

And when I got home and checked my mail, I saw that I have a job! Yeah!
I'll be working some hours in the week in a lab: making samples, cleaning glass, weighing samples...

What did we learn today?
Never too young for networking.

And sience is awesome, off course...

October 06, 2012

New blog header + Brett Manning!

I'm so proud of it!

I made it with paint.NET, a free photoshop like software.
You can do a lot with it!

I downloaded the fonts here.The title is in a font called "things we said", and the description in the beautifull and simple font called Soymilk!

My paper was 1050x300 pixels.
Off course I used different layers. A layer for: Title; description; girl; wool; background.

I used the pipet to take the girls hair color as a primary color, and in the color palette, I made it a bit darker.
For the wool: I cut it out a bigger drawing. The background was a bit yellowish, so first I swapped the image in black/white, and then I played with the contrast.

The illustrations are the work of Brett Manning. I hope she doesn't mind I'm using her work.
I want to thank her!

Her work is so warm and gentle. She has a love for textures, fabric and hair. It's really hard to draw I think.
And again, she uses the combination of ink drawings and paint, aquarel. I love it!
You could say that this combination of techniques is called "illustrating", but her work is real art for me.
She isn't only an illustrator, she paints, draws and so on!
Lots of respect from me!
Here some of her work...

Hope you like it!

And again, sorry Brett, but your work is so beautifull :)

October 05, 2012

Selfmade recycled papercraft design basket

Hi guys!

This DIY, I did 2 years ago for a school project. Got an A+ for it ;)
And, really, I like it a lot!
But unfortunately, I used the wrong glue, and it fell apart during the next months... :(

The title of the work is "Kring", what I could translate in "circle", although it's not completely the same. The concept behind it, is that it's a paper bin, made out of paper. So actually, there is no bin! And the paper you throw away, can be recycled into this beautiful design. The circle of life?...

Anyway, what dou you think about it?

When I was a kid...(artwork)

Here are some drawings from when I was a kid and a teenager!
Most pictures from a sketchbook I used a lot.

I'm still very proud of this drawing:
My art teacher gave us, 8 year old kids, the exercise to draw a kind of bicycle which was on a table. So it was an exercise to teach kids to first look good at the object, and then draw, and see what you're drawing wrong.
Well, except the fact that I didn't even know how to draw a circle, this is pretty good didn't it?
Maybe the wheels are the evidence that I was a quite smart kid.
"I see wheels, so I draw a circle, a wheel" That was not what I thought. I didn't think, I just looked and draw.

When I was 12 I had a phase in which I liked to draw manga

 And then there was a time I liked to draw elves, midgets, angels and other mythical girls stuff
And then I started, when I was like 15, I started with making illustrations. I liked to draw without taking my pencil from the paper. A real challenge, and it gave nice results! This is a drawing I made with the help of a travel guide about jungles (lifelong obsession by the way)

And then, about two years ago, I started to draw fashion illustrations.

I actually would really like to make this dress :)

And I'm still searching a bikini like I drew :)
So those where a few drawings. I have a whole collection in the attic. I kept all my drawings from when I was 8. 
Oh, I would like to see them again actually, but I know it will take me a day, I would really enjoy it....

P.S.:sorry for the pictures, I didn't get them in landscape. When I uploaded them they were still ok...

Recent Artwork

I would like to present you some of my work.

I absolutely don't do a lot of art anymore.
I wish I had more time.
These are from about a year ago.

I love the mix between drawing and painting!
And I like to draw or paint very realistic. But I also like to twist body shapes or add some deformations. You can bring a lot more feelings in your work!

I discovered this style thanks to Egon Shiele, an early expressionistic painter who did have an intense short life and made some great art. He learned from Gustav Klimt, also a favourite of me.

I'm hoping to take some lessons in illustration once....

A remake of a work by an unkown Belgian artist, Jef Bertels. I'm in love with his work.

An etch print of a self portrait of Egon Schiele.

DIY: Recycled multi-purpose mint gold white glass

So my first DIY for my blog!
I'm so excited!
I did this one like a month ago or something.

So, here they are, my beautifull recycled jam and pickles glasses!

On the moment for my pens! And a beautifull decoration for my desk.

Aloƫ vera :3

Recently I discovered an equal post somewhere on Pinterest, didn't repin it, but did remember! :D
But the Pinterest glasses where fully covered with paint.

I decided to leave some glass clear.

So here the steps:
Materials: -Jam, pickles, honey, .... glass
                 -Acrylic paint
                 - Colored and clear spray paint
  1. First tape your glasses, and leave big and smaller stripes clear.
  2.  If you chose to use acrylic paint, you can mix your own color. Here is a very very usefull website, if you're not that experienced with mixing colors. I love the combination of mint and gold. And I also used white. The gold is spray paint.
  3. Paint or spray
  4. Let dry
  5. Spray the whole glass with clear spray if you've used acrylic paint and you want your glass to be waterproof. I've noticed the paint will otherwise shrink. I wanted to use my glass as a vase and spilled some water on the outside and the acrylic paint shrunk and got wrinkles. On my next glass I used clear spray paint, and it helped a lot.
I use one glass as a pot for my little aloe vera plant. I've put some little stones on the bottom, wich gives a nice effect, you can see them;) The other glass is for my pens on my desk!
You can also use it as a vase or a storage for candy... 
I hope you all like my first DIY on my blog!
