About me


So, I'm InZaiE ! Actually, that's my internet nickname :)

I'm a 20 year old girl and a Bio-engineering  student. I live in Leuven, Belgium, near Brussels.

Usually, I describe myself in 3 words:
Creative, persistent and eager.

This is something which is a gift I really apreciate, my creativiy. I have to thank my mum. My mum had to be creative and invent solutions for daily problems. She is a great DIYer, and I learned it from her. I'm interested in Art with a capital, photography, painting, drawing, sewing, crafting, playing the celtic harp, classical music, indie/singersongwriter/Jazz/soul..., cooking, culture, fashion and so on....
Want to know more? This page ends with a list :)

If I want something, I go for it and don't give up till I reach my goal. I like challenges and searching for my limits. This especially is the case in school. But also in the times I do sports or anything else. If I WANT I CAN!!!

I'm eager to learn. Yes, I am. You could call me a geek, nerd or whatever....I would rather call myself "inspired by the Uomo Universale". I've been always like that, wanting to know stuff about everything, and as a kid I was inspired by geniuses like Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and also the ancient Greeks an Romans. Now it has shifted towards 20th century scientists :)
I'm also a member of the Nerdfighters community!(DFTBA to you guys;)
The strange thing is, I know stuff about the variest subjects, but I'm not specialised in one thing. Like a Uomo Universale, I want to know as much as I can!
I mean, we live on a wonderful planet. How can you not learn about it?? It's addicting!
My advice: You have to WANT something, knowledge, and without having to study, you will be smarter as you've ever been.

***Art: ((Visual))Egon Shiele, and quite boring but I love the rennaissance artists Leonard da Vinci, Michelangelo....And middle ages Vermeersch and others of the low lands. ((Literature)) Can I say John Green? John Green. I admit I have to read more books... ((Music)) Big Indie rockers like The kooks, the wombats, arctic monkeys, two door cinema club, of monsters and men, gotye, mumford&sons, ed sheeran, bon iver, coldplay ... But mostly many unknown small indie groups, found by Soundcloud and Indieshuffle. I also love funk and soul, doesn't matter from who, its always good. Jazz also, Ella Fitzgerald and other classics.
***Hobbies: Right now; travelling and photography.

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